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In Luke 17:11-19 the story of 10 lepers coming to Jesus for healing results in a lesson in gratitude. All ten of the lepers appeal to Jesus for a display of his mercy to heal them. Ever careful to follow the Law of God Jesus commands them to go show themselves to the priests for affirmation of their cleansing. As they journey in obedience they realize their healing has taken place. Nine of them continue on; but one turns back.

Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks. (Luke 17:15-16a)

I’ve never had leprosy nor has anyone in my family. Nevertheless, we have felt the pressure of tremendous stress time and again over the years of our adoption journey. One such occurrence was nearly a year ago when we reached crisis mode with our eldest daughter. We were scrambling, searching for a place where she could receive care outside of our home. As much as our hearts were grieved it was more than evident she needed help. So did we.

Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children has been around for more than 100 years serving children at risk as well as families in our state. I have always respected this ministry from a distance. That is until our time of crisis came. I have learned to respect them at a personal level. OBHC Home for Girls in Madill took in our eldest daughter and lovingly cared for her in Jesus’ name for nearly a year. It was not always easy for them. Sometimes it was downright excruciatingly difficult given the behavior patterns of our little one. We certainly understand the deep waters they walked with our daughter.

I am amazed how God has raised up and sustained this vibrant, needed ministry in our state. They focus on caring for and making disciples of children who are at risk. I think Jesus smiles when He observes how they help the children come to Him.

Now that the time has arrived for our daughter to leave the girl’s home my wife and I have nothing but gratitude in our hearts to the Lord Jesus for his grace through OBHC. We thank God for the loving and committed house parents and staff who have served and loved our daughter so well – pointing her to Jesus. We so appreciate their partnership in caring for this child that is so dear to our hearts.

I wholeheartedly recommend support of this great ministry! I know that my wife and I are committed, lifelong fans.

Returning to give thanks to Jesus (and OBHC), James Hunt.