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“The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'” (Gen. 2:18).

Community has often been on my mind in the past few weeks. Community is something that constantly reaffirms, loves and boosts my spirits as a Christ follower. When He created us, God knew we would need some form of community.

In so many different ways, God has re-affirmed in my life most recently that His plan and His ways are perfect through the people He has so lovingly placed in my life.

Whether it be at an event like the Young Adult Spring Retreat, which I covered for work/attended with the college group from our church, or even in my own family, where I have six siblings, which I believe fully counts as a community (ha ha)—the Lord has proved how much I need the people in my life.

At Spring Retreat, I was blessed to see how many people with whom I mostly connected in college through the Baptist Collegiate Ministry who are currently serving in a leadership position, pouring back into the lives of college-age young adults or students.

When I look across a room and see people who just years ago were students alongside me, trying to seek God’s will for their lives, now serving Him and doing it well, it does my heart good. I am encouraged to know the type of people who are investing in the lives of the immediate future of our state and country.

I just returned from a trip to Washington D.C., where, as a member of the Baptist Communicators Association, (BCA) I attended the yearly BCA workshop and awards ceremony.

While work trips like this one are 99 percent fun and excitement, I find they can be a little nerve wrecking. Thoughts swirled around my head as I anticipated the trip, wondering how I would present myself, would travel go smoothly, what I should wear, what we would be doing etc.

All of these thoughts were put to rest when I began to meet my fellow Baptist communicators. The community of communicators whom I had the pleasure of meeting will forever remain in my mind as I go about my work for the BGCO and the Baptist Messenger.

What an incredible group of people it was. Most of the group had been in the business of religious communication for 10+ years, which meant their knowledge, about what I am just beginning to know, was extensive.

I learned so much from my new friends and colleagues through breakout sessions but also through getting to spend time talking with each of the people I met. I count myself extremely fortunate to be able to call myself a Baptist Communicator, and I don’t plan to stop learning from those who have blazed the trails before me.

Time and time again and I am blessed by my family and extended family. Nothing super special has happened this week—nothing out of the ordinary that makes me point out these incredible people. However, I love words of affirmation, and I think this group deserves constant affirmation for going through life alongside me, no matter the distance between us.

As I have mention before, some significant things in my and my husband’s lives within the past six months are the impending arrival of our first child, Silas Dean Howsden. Our families have wrapped their arms around us as a budding family and provided so much wisdom, care and love. Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, you name it, they have been there for Casey and me since we excitedly announced the arrival of our little bundle of joy. I can’t wait for little Silas to meet these people his parents love so much.

I say all of this to point out an important thing I’ve learned in my 25 years: we need each other. No matter how much of a “loner” or person of solitude you may consider yourself, you need someone.

One person who remains the most constant in my life is my Lord and Savior. He knows my heart, my thoughts, what brings me joy and whatever else there may be to know about me. However, no matter how ugly or flawed my characteristics may be, He chose me and chooses me over and over again.

His love for me (and you) is relentless, unending and perfect. Just as I gushed about the communities which I am a part of earlier in this blog, I need to and should gush about the Lord and His love for me without relent.

Have you told someone how good the Lord is lately? Have you thanked the people in your life for being there for you? Have you thanked your Savior? I encourage you to reach out to all of the above mentioned groups in your life, no matter how your communities may differ from mine, and express your gratitude for each.