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Have you read enough reviews on the movie Noah? If not, allow me to chime in and verify what many have already said.

The movie starring Russell Crowe that debuted nationally March 28 is quite far-fetched when compared to the Biblical account of Noah and the great flood in Gen. 6-9. The best way I would describe the movie would be that it was a creative misunderstanding.

It does have a heavy environmentalist, vegetarian (or vegan) emphasis throughout. It does portray Noah as somebody who does not have direct communication with God, but rather Noah receives visions that he interprets were from the “Creator.”

One slight element I would offer, and this is very minor, many reviewers say that God is not mentioned at all in the movie. He is referenced as “Creator,” but there is one scene involving Noah’s son Ham and the main villain Tubal-cain where Ham replies, “The Creator is our god.”

Personally, I don’t have a problem with referring to God as Creator because, well, He is the Creator. Actually, I think this is a great aspect for non-believers to consider, especially those who are evolutionists.

Other parts I found favorable include the aspect of a family emphasis, especially the importance of both father and mother figures. There are even some elements that favor sanctity of life. Noah has a conversation with his wife that I found to be very favorable from the Pro-life point of view.

It also portrays the proper view of marriage. Noah’s two oldest sons, Shem and Ham, understand the significance of having wives.

The most ridiculous part of the movie, if you have not already heard, would be the Watchers. These are rock creatures that roam the earth and give the movie a rather science fiction aspect. Some have compared them to creatures that appear in Lord of the Rings, Transformers and Neverending Story. The creature that came to my mind was the one Tim Allen battles in his movie Galaxy Quest.

Two of the best reviews I have read come from my friend Cameron Whaley. In part 1 of his response, he helps potential viewers decide whether or not to go see it. In part 2 he breaks down the movie and writes on things that caught his attention. Part 2 is filled with spoilers. If you have seen the movie and want help gathering thoughts about it, Cameron’s Part 2 post may be helpful.

Ultimately, though, when it comes to things that might be positive about this movie, I am reminded of a phrase a friend of mine uses often: “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”

Noah is bad because it totally misleads viewers who do not already have a strong understanding of the Bible. When the Russell Crowe Noah reveals to his family about the upcoming flood, he said man will be destroyed because how they have wronged the earth. No, man was destroyed because how corrupt mankind was in God’s sight (Gen. 6:11-13). They sinned against God, not the earth.

All stories in the Bible lead to the Gospel. They lead people to come to the understanding of why God sent His son Jesus Christ to die for the sin of mankind. For this ultimate reason, Noah the movie falls gravely short.