Attention Word Slingers readers: Beginning December 11, 2019, all posts will be available at Thank you for reading Word Slingers!

As we approach Easter, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about Jesus, the cross, and the resurrection.  I know I’m not alone because Easter-related posts are filling my Facebook and Twitter feed like brightly colored eggs…or Reese’s peanut butter eggs.  Your choice.

To some degree, it makes me happy.  After all, our minds should be on the cross and what Jesus did there.  What makes me uncomfortable—and a little twitchy, really—is the morose, sad, almost defeated tone of some of the posts.

Yes, Jesus’ death was gruesome and painful.  Yes, Jesus humbled Himself on our behalf because we couldn’t save ourselves.

But He wasn’t defeated!  He didn’t forfeit!  HE WON!

Every part of the Easter story is triumphant, the resurrection AND the crucifixion!

I don’t know a lot about sports, but I do know that it is a particular slap in the face to one’s opponent to win on their home court, right?  Isn’t that what Jesus did, essentially?  Satan thought he had this death thing locked up.  Then Jesus shows up on the scene and dominates, taking everything Satan dishes out with courage, resolve, and divine grace.  He handles things like a Sir, to quote my middle school students—feel free to use that phrase if you didn’t already know it, but I claim your cool points!

Not a sports fan?  That’s fine because Jesus is also the ultimate action hero.  Open scene.  Satan is the ultimate bad guy, and he is holding every man, woman and child who will ever live hostage.  Sin condemns us, and death seems sure for us all.  Then, Jesus shows up, a sinless life in one holster and boundless love in the other.  Satan scoffs and takes aim, but He is no match for our hero, who is both willing to die and stronger than death.  Jesus walks into the fray—again, like a Sir—and all that Satan has is not enough.  Covered by the blood Jesus sheds on the cross, all who choose God’s free gift of salvation go free.

Please understand.  I’m not telling you how to feel on Good Friday or the days leading up to it.  We each have our own business to take care of with God and complex reasons behind the emotions that we experience.  I truly do not want to interfere with the Holy Spirit’s work in your heart.

I simply want to suggest to Christians who aren’t sure how to feel right now that reverence and awe for our victorious Savior might be more appropriate responses to Jesus’ heroic display of love on the cross than guilt and/or grief for that which has already been paid for and forgiven.