I have not been confronted to take the ice bucket challenge. I am aware of the social media success, as ALS Research has raised more than $15 million in the last four weeks, and I have seen many of my friends participate in the challenge, as well as hundreds of celebrities.
The idea of progress being made to help many who have been suffering from this terrible disease is a great thing, especially since support for such research appeared to be overlooked. It is fascinating how far this fad of generosity has extended within a month’s time.
It is important, though, for us as Christians to “test all things” (I Thess. 5:21). Do the research before committing to do something, regardless of how popular a trend may be or how noble the cause may appear.
Yesterday, it was brought to my attention that the ALS Association is a supporter of embryonic stem cell research. As much as I want suffering from ALS to end, I struggle with the idea of a solution at the expense of the unborn, especially when such research is unnecessary.
So here is my proposal. If someone were to challenge me to have ice water doused upon my body, I would agree to do it, but I also would promote the idea to support a research organization that emphasizes pro-life bioethics (e.g. someone has recommended the John Paul II Medical Research Institute). And then I would challenge three other people who also value the Sanctity of Life to do the same.
To help find a cure is a great thing. To do so while not having to compromise our Christian moral ethics is the most excellent way because we know Who ultimately holds the cure, and to serve others while also honoring God is what we are called to do.