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Greetings from Virginia!

I have spent the week in this lovely commonwealth where I spent 12 years of my life, which consisted of my college years and the beginning of my adulthood. Some topics of this week’s DHD will feature a few of my experiences this week. Let’s get to it.

  1. The New Liberty Look

I am a 1992 graduate of Liberty University, or as many in the mainstream media like to emphasize, “Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University.” Whenever I hear that slanted description, I always like to point out that you never hear the prominent school in Charlottesville, Va. described as “Thomas Jefferson’s University of Virginia.”

Liberty is a definitive conservative Christian university, and though there have been quite a few changes of rules and standards, the school has kept its philosophy solid toward Biblical guidance. In an ever-changing society, this encourages me.

Another clear change is the look of the campus. My oh my! This place has grown big time. New educational buildings, athletic facilities and residential halls make this place mostly unrecognizable for me. A couple of things that made me sure I was at the right place included the white prayer chapel, located near the main entrance, and the Sen. Carter Glass “Mansion,” which is the only original building on the property and the home of the former U.S. Senator who served in the Senate during the 20s-40s.

Certain locations of my memories have changed, but in a time that does not appear to value Christian higher education, I can still hold on to my memories while my alma mater remains strong in training “young champions for Christ.”

  1. Friends Are Friends Forever

Something else I have enjoyed this week is reconnecting with many friends from my college years and my “after-college” years. A group of LU grads remained in Lynchburg after graduation, and we were members of the same church. Some of us even lived in the same apartment complex.

This trip allowed me to “catch up” with a few of those friends, and it made me appreciate how God was instrumental through my friendships and my church family. The Bible speaks on the importance of Godly people in one’s life (Prov. 11:14). I definitely appreciate the Lord’s guidance during my younger years through the mentors and the encouragers I had at that time.

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are” – C.S. Lewis

  1. Recent Observations of Parenting

Along with visiting friends, I was able to meet their children. This also has been enjoyable, witnessing the physical traits and personality similarities in the offspring of my friends.

I can also give a good report that my friends have turned out to be successful parents. I remember hearing John Stockton, former NBA All-Star for the Utah Jazz, say in an interview recently that “your children are the ‘final exam’ of your life.” I can say that many of my friends are passing or have passed with successful grades.

  1. Mini-review of ‘Inside Out’

I did get to see the Disney Pixar movie “Inside Out” this week. If you’d like a full review, I recommend Brian Hobbs’ take on the show. Three things I took from the movie: 1) Emotions, even sadness, can be helpful and purposeful, but where I disagree with the movie is our emotions should not be the controlling factor of our lives; 2) Children benefit from having both a mom and a dad. I wish current society had greater value and made a stronger emphasis on this; 3) Though I know Hollywood would not emphasize this, it would have been awesome if there could have been a spiritual element to the story. How could the indwelling of the Holy Spirit affect Riley’s life instead of her emotions controlling her?

  1. Two Takeaways from 20 Quotes

There’s a great blog on The Gospel Coalition titled “20 Quotes from Rosario Butterfield’s Book.” I’ve mention Butterfield recently. This woman’s testimony is powerful. I wish more and more people could hear her speak. She steps on toes but in a gracious way.

My two takeaways from the 20 Quotes are:

“The image of me and everyone I love suffering in hell crashed over me like shark-infested waves of a raging sea. Suffering in hell not because we were gay, but because we were proud. We wanted to be autonomous… I counted the costs and I did not like the math.”

“Jesus met sinners at the table, but he did not join them in their choice sins. He sat with them, but he did not sin with them. And we ought not expect Jesus to sin with us today.”

  1. Carter Claims Jesus Would Approve SSM

A report came out this week that former president Jimmy Carter believes Jesus would approve same-sex marriage. You can read about it here.

This is too easy to rebut, so I will just say that this comes as no surprise. More and more people of influence will be speaking in support for same-sex marriage. I never considered President Carter somebody of whom I would receive spiritual guidance. He has done many remarkable, charitable things since his days in the White House, but considering he recanted his affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention, his speaking in support of the recent marriage ruling would be par for the course.

That’s all for this week! I’ll be back in my home land next week, well rested after a great vacation experience!