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This week’s edition of Millennial Monday is about homeownership! This is something that’s near and dear to my heart, since my husband and I are currently searching for our first home after about a year and a half of marriage.

Why is it that Millennials seem to struggle with the commitment of buying a house?

I discussed this with a Millennial co-worker of mine, also looking at homes, and we decided that it’s something that seems so out of reach for most Millennials.

Why does buying a home seem so out of reach? It’s a huge step, the most expensive thing we will have ever bought (unless you’re swimming in student-loan debt) and so permanent.

Home buying also is something we like to refer to as “adulting” which is a topic I’ll discuss next week. A brief description of “adulting” would be what a Millennial refers to as something they may not feel mature enough to do at this point in their life.

So, home buying is nerve wrecking.

My husband and I have lived in an apartment our whole married life, and while there is something to be said about not worrying about maintenance and all the amenities, we want something we can call our own.

It kind of kills us every month when we pay rent and know that money isn’t being invested into anything we can claim later in life.

One reason, I can assure you, a lot of Millennials may not be buying their own homes is cost. It is expensive to buy a home and nearly impossible if you’re on an entry level job budget and single income.

This is why, much to older generation’s disapproval, most Millennials end up back in their childhood bedrooms at their parents’ home, with no plans of moving out in the immediate future.

Something worth mentioning is what Millennials with college degrees are getting paid. How are we supposed to move on and be completely on our own if our wages are sometimes below the technical poverty level?

I agree, some Millennials could take a lesson or 500 in money management and overall life decisions, and that would help them to more readily afford a home.

However, there is the exception. A hard working group of people who have college degrees, student loans and work in their field but struggle to make ends meet — these are the ones I’m talking about.

Cost aside, there’s the commitment aspect of buying a home.

Millennials are generally at a time in life that is uncertain. They are graduating or still in college. Most times, Millennials aren’t sure about where they want to settle, or if this is the time they want to explore the option of living somewhere new.

I’ve been told when you buy a home, it’s best to expect to be there at least 5 years. That’s 1825 days if you would like to count it all out.

I know for some that is a lot of time to wrap your mind around, especially if you’re making this decision on your own.

But how my husband and I are thinking about it is that buying a home is an investment into our future. We want to build equity and put ourselves and future family in a home that we can call our own.

People are saying it is a buyer’s market these days with low interest rates and Oklahoma being one of the most budget-friendly states when it comes to the cost of living. That is something to consider as well.

Do you want to buy a 1,400 square-foot home in an established neighborhood, or a 600 square foot flat in New York City for roughly the same price? That is where the decision making I talked about earlier comes into play.

I hope this has helped you take a look into the mind of a Millennial currently going through this process. There is a lot to consider, and without my parent’s advice or our trusted realtor, I’m not sure I would feel comfortable making the plunge myself.

We are called to be good stewards of our money and honor the Lord with our spending

Hide the Word in your heart and ask the Lord what He wants for you, and you’ll have a peace about the right choice for you. I know my husband and I are praying that whatever home we buy, the Lord will use it for the furthering of His kingdom and that all who enter, know His love for them.

The truth of the matter is, no matter how permanent it may seem, we are passing through this earthly home of ours and wherever we live is temporary. It would be wrong to place any home higher that what our heavenly home will be.

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”