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You get home after a long day of work, and you sit down to just catch your breath. You have been swamped at work, and now, all you want is some time to unwind. Your mind has been buzzing all day, and now you finally have the chance to just focus on what is really important.

But then, the phone rings. Your son or daughter calls your name. Maybe, you realize that there’s nothing for dinner in the pantry, and you need to go to the grocery store. Does this sound familiar? I know that this sounds like mine and my families’ life, everyday! How can we be still in this world, when there is so much to do? Life is stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.

  1. Make the time.

We have to make the time! I know, it sounds cliché, but it really is true! As Christians, I believe that God has called us to take care of our bodies and take care of our spiritual health. This means making time to spend with Him, to spend with our family and to just spend time alone. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (ESV). According to this verse, we should take the time to “Be still.”

Yes, we are busy, and there is a large amount of work to be done, but we can’t do our best if we haven’t taken the time to be replenished.

  1. Make rest a priority.

Not only do we have to set aside time to rest, we also have to make it a priority to rest. Let me be  clear, this isn’t a ticket to bail on our responsibilities. However, by managing time wisely, we will have the time be still.

What is important to you? Is it your family, friends and relationship with Jesus? Or is it your job, duties and chores? Responsibilities are important, but our relationships are even MORE important.

In the Old Testament, God gave the Israelites the Sabbath day. This was a day of rest and worship. I believe that we need this now more than ever. Following these two steps are really the foundation to putting the busyness of the world aside.

Take some time to rest; take some time to spend in solitude. Maybe you need to set aside time to relax with your family. By taking some time away from the business and craziness, we can grow deeper in our relationships with God and other people.

No matter the action you need to take, remember the words from Exodus 33:14, “The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.‘”