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Thanks for reading. I hope you’re staying warm.

Here’s my take on six topics that involve stuff that happened this week.


1. State of the Union Address

I had to work a ball game Tuesday night, so I did not get to see the SOTU address live. I have seen portions of it, and I am pleased with what I watched, as well as with the reviews I have read from people I admire and respect. Even those who regularly criticize President Trump appear to be mostly mum about the speech.

By now, you’ve seen and read all about Trump’s address this week. One fascinating thing I take from it is how such a unifying declaration resulted after such a controversial build-up. Remember when Speaker Pelosi wasn’t going allow the address to happen? She claimed it was “unsafe” to deliver amid security concerns.

I am also encouraged with President Trump emphasizing Sanctity of Life when he said “All children, born and unborn, are made in the holy image of God.” Albert Mohler said this statement is “virtually unprecedented” comparing previous presidential speeches. I hope this comment has a lasting impact that will challenge future political views regarding the life of the unborn.

Quoting Mohler once again, he said abortion is “the only sacrament that still remains amongst the secular political left, and they treat it exactly as a sacrament to be protected and to be cherished at all costs.” You need to listen to Mohler’s Wednesday edition of The Briefing to get an excellent review of the SOTU address.

It’s true. Abortion is a major priority of liberal politicians, and they believe it is to be upheld regardless of pregnancy stage.

I made a commitment to never vote for anybody who even claims to be moderate on the issue (which is impossible to be). Regardless of party affiliation, I will not vote for a Republican or a Democrat who is not wholeheartedly pro-life.

2. Rose Day report

The Rose Day observance and rally at the Oklahoma State Capitol was an awesome experience. It seemed like attendance was near record high. If not, it sure seemed like a whole bunch of people walking the many floors of the edifice of never-ending construction (I can’t remember the last time I’ve been at the Capitol when it wasn’t under construction).

If you attended, thank you for participating! I’m sure you agree, it was an amazing experience.

Jen Bricker, the keynote speaker, was wonderful. I loved the standing ovation that happened near the end of her speech. I think she was even impressed. I especially enjoyed how she said she felt loved being surrounded by the many in attendance who value life. You can find out more about her at the Rose Day website.

I also sent roses to my elected officials, including my state house rep and senator. Neither of them are pro-life, unfortunately. I did get to talk to my senator, and she was kind and receptive. I did give her a list of upcoming pro-life bills that will be considered this congressional session and told her I will be paying attention to how she votes. I pray that maybe the many who visited her on Rose Day, as well as God’s intervention, will lead her to reconsider her view on abortion.

3. Comparing Northam to the Pences

Here’s another topic involving Mohler. In his Thursday edition of The Briefing, he discusses an article written by Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen. The article attempts to compare the controversy involving Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and the teaching decision of Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Mike Pence.

I’ve mentioned Mrs. Pence in a previous DHD and the ridiculous accusations that media critics are making about her being a part-time art teacher at a Christian school. Cohen decided to use the recent media frenzy surrounding the racist photo in Northam’s medical yearbook as prime opportunity to call out the Pences in what Cohen considers equal bigotry.

Mohler gives an excellent response to Cohen’s misguided claims, especially involving his argument surrounding the misuse of Scripture. It would benefit you to hear Mohler’s explanation or read the transcript, specifically on this issue.

4. About the Green New Deal

A couple of months ago, somebody contacted me about criticizing Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez, when I wrote in a DHD that her views on certain issues were incorrect and nonsense. The problem was, the writer said, I don’t provide enough substantive justification.

Well, this week, the New Green Deal was released, which AOC co-authored and has been promoting through the media. I will hold back personal commentary, but I will mentioned that the New Green Deal includes removing 99 percent of all cars; removing oil, natural gas and nuclear energy as power resources; no longer traveling by airplanes; rebuild all buildings to make them energy efficient; free houses and education for everybody, as well as jobs and financial support for those who are unable or unwilling (??) to work.

Let me be clear, nowhere in the previous paragraph did I offer personal commentary. I did not say AOC or the New Green Deal is nonsense. I just presented a summary of what is proposed.

I’m curious to how American society responds to these proposals and how AOC and her supporters are setting examples themselves that reflect what is mentioned in the New Green Deal.

That has always been my concern about extreme environmentalists. Their lifestyles don’t seem to reflect their views. This reminded me of an article Matt Walsh wrote in 2017 titled “Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish.”  In fact, check out this excerpt from the article and see if you find Walsh’s list ironic:

“I can only imagine how I would react if I actually believed that the extinction of all mankind was imminent, and my lifestyle was directly contributing to it. At a minimum, I would not drive a car anymore. Ever. At all. I would ditch electricity. I wouldn’t eat any kind of meat. I wouldn’t buy mass made consumer products. I wouldn’t give my money to any company that sells items made in factories with giant smokestacks. Those smokestacks are literally killing people. How could you continue shopping like everything is normal? What kind of monster are you? If I were you, I would live as John the Baptist, eating locusts and wild honey out in the desert. Lives are at stake, are they not? The end is near! Why are you so relaxed about it? Have you even started building the ark yet?”

Maybe the New Green Deal writers took a lesson from Walsh’s proposal?

5. Saving hymns

I enjoyed reading a piece by Leland Ryken titled “Can Hymns Be Saved From Extinction?” I love the many familiar hymns, and I appreciate Ryken intention of valuing these cherished songs as poetry.

His suggestions remind me of my dad. Ryken said hymns “contain so many allusions to the Bible.” My dad made it a custom to read from a hymn book as part of his daily quiet time.

Whether or not, your church sings the hymns, I would encourage you, whenever you come across a hymnbook, to skim the pages and read the lyrics of these great songs of faith.

6. Charles Stanley the photographer

I conclude with mentioning an article I read about the well-known Southern Baptist preacher Charles Stanley. I had no idea he was a shutterbug.

Check out “Charles Stanley: photography an ‘awesome opportunity’” and read how his photos have affected those who hear him preach.