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On any given day, when you look at social media, it can be discouraging. You see people arguing over politics on Facebook. We read vicious back and forth comments on Twitter. You see mocking videos on YouTube.

You can kind of see it all on social media. The one thing that is hard to find on social media, though—the one missing ingredient—seems to be grace. It is easy to tell a gracious person from an ungracious person, and unfortunately, social media is showing the worst side of many of us.

I once attended a wedding at which the minister said to the bride and groom, “You may not remember much I say today. In fact, you may forget just about everything that is said today. But please just remember this one word from today for the sake of your marriage: grace.”

The Bible says Jesus came “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). It is easy to find so-called truth tellers on social media nowadays. It is much harder to find people full of truth and grace. As Christians, we can do better than this. We should do better than this.

If people are going to hear over-the-top rhetoric or infighting, let it not come from followers of Jesus Christ. Because a lack of grace suggests a lack of walking with Jesus Christ in our life.

Now that I think of it, the one truly missing ingredient on social media most days may be the One we call Savior and Lord. The missing ingredient may be Jesus Himself. And that, brothers and sisters, is a recipe for disaster.

Today, let’s do better. Today, let’s each be more like Jesus; let’s show one another grace.