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Paula Deen & The Impact of a Bad Joke

Paula Deen & The Impact of a Bad Joke

I understand as a Christian we should give people second chances, but there are sometimes that it is especially hard.  Of course this list includes murder and abuse. People who use careless, hurtful words, could be on that list, as well.

Speaking of this, popular TV chef Paula Deen is reported to have made some racially targeted remarks that are hard to swallow and are just plain wrong.

According to The Washington Post, Deen had used racial slurs in her restaurant and then continued on by saying “It’s just what they are – they’re jokes…most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks…I can’t determine what offends another person.”

Since this information about racial epithets has come out Deen has lost her contract with The Food Network and several endorsements.  She scrambled trying to apologize and seems to have made the situation worse by publishing on YouTube a poorly edited, seemingly insincere video.  This video allegedly was pulled after a couple of hours but then two others were posted equally as unhelpful as an apology. Then on top of the hoopla she cancelled an interview on the Today show, just to reschedule 3 days later. Without getting in front of the issues she just made it worse. I understand people make mistakes but to continually make ‘jokes’ such as these is unacceptable.

People must be aware that their words and actions have consequences.  You can forgive someone but to truly forget it is not an easy task. Sometimes forgiving someone seems almost impossible. The negative image that Ms. Deen is going to have to live with for the remainder of her life will follow her around. Every cookbook, pan, whisk, product, and restaurant she endorses is going to have to go beyond the reported racial slurs said by her.

Racially-charged language is never acceptable for us Christians. We, as Christians, should be building each other up, providing encouragement and support.  Proverbs 16:24 says “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”  It is always great to hear a compliment and we should strive daily to build up the people around us.

What are your thoughts on the Paula Deen controversy?

Pray Big, God Answers Bigger!

Pray Big, God Answers Bigger!

I am part of a fantastic small group.  Some of the most amazing, godly women I’ve met are part of it and I get to spend a couple hours a week with them.  We get to do life together, the highs and the lows.  Since the beginning of our get togethers we have been writing down prayer requests.  Weekly we are committing to each other to spend time in prayer over a variety of needs. So far prayer requests have covered things like major and minor health issues, jobs, families, friends battling an array of topics, safety during the recent storms, financial struggles, housing, and even finding joy in life.

One of the coolest things has been to look back over the weeks and recognize God’s faithfulness to us.

1 Timothy 2:1-2  I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

We have prayed for hundreds of requests and getting to look back and see how many God answered, well it’s incredibly humbling!  We have prayed for major medical needs within our group and to see how God moves and answers the prayers in such a way that is so much bigger than what we asked for.  We pray for people that most of us have never met and getting to hear how their needs are being met inspires us to help others.  As a group we have prayed for peace and joy and a deeper love of learning about the Bible.  The scope of how God answers our needs both big (to us!) and small make me realize how narrowed I have prayed in the past.

I can’t wait to spend time in prayer (usually sitting in my hammock!) having my heart broken for the needs I get to pray for.  Spending this time allows me to truly slow down and appreciate all of the ways God continues to bless and grow me, in ways I couldn’t even dream of.

How can I pray for you?

How to Help When Disaster Strikes

How to Help When Disaster Strikes

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’ll hear about horrific natural disasters and think ‘wow that’s terrible,’ but I’ll have no idea how to help outside of prayer. Or you see a group of people lending a hand in a neighborhood and think ‘I could do that.’

Here in Oklahoma, we have one of the most amazing response teams known across the globe.  Disaster Relief teams were on the ground preparing before yesterday’s tornados even had touched down.

Currently, there is a feeding team set up in Norman, Okla., for anyone impacted by the storms.  Groups of men are out working their magic with chainsaws, helping people to get trees and materials off of yards, vehicles, and houses.  A laundry trailer has been set up at Carney, First.  Chaplains are out ministering to people and learning how Oklahoma Baptists can step up and help them in their time of need.

Oklahoma has one of the highest numbers of chaplains and trained volunteers for when a disaster strikes.  It’s a lot of fun seeing these guys in action, and when a disaster strikes in your neighborhood and you see a bunch of people running around in yellow shirts, that’s our Disaster Relief teams seeing how they can help.

So the question becomes how can you get involved with this amazing group of people?

  • Pray.  Always needed and appreciated!
  • Get trained.  Disaster Relief offer trainings for a variety of different capacities.  Find out about trainings at
  • Go.  There is a constant need for trained disaster relief workers.  If you can help wash laundry, help people dig their houses out after a hurricane, willing to offer a smile and a helping hand…disaster relief is for you!
  • Give.  Many times, schedules simply won’t allow time off but you can give at

You can always keep up-to-date on the Oklahoma Disaster Relief teams via Facebook or Twitter.

Help this incredible group of volunteers who are sharing God’s love with Oklahomans impacted by the storms.



“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” —Douglas MacArthur

Do you have a moment that just moves you back a bit in surprise?  This happened to me in regards to President Obama appointing the very first woman to direct the Secret Service.  Now, I am not political in any way, but this selection struck me for several reasons. First, it is my understanding that this agent, Julia Pierson, is a veteran of more than 30 years.

Recall this agency is coming off a scandal involving male Secret Service agents and prostitutes in Columbia last summer.  While the former director was not involved in the scandal he ended up resigning in February of this year. I would be thinking, to walk into that kind of pressure situation as the new leader, “Wow, no thank you!”

While her reported qualifications for leading the Department seem to make her capable, I can only think of what struggles she will have to overcome. Pierson is not only in charge of thousands of employees, but is also tasked with protection; keeping Americans safe at major events, protecting leaders, including the President and his family, and, the one that really surprised me, a leading role in securing the financial system.

The burdens that Pierson will have to face and overcome provide an incredible opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the American people.  Publilius Syrus, a former slave in 1st century BC, said “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” The Secret Service has not exactly had a calm sea this past year!

This is a very applicable verse for Pierson and her new appointment “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4

I can only think that through this incredible opportunity to lead the third largest agency in the United States Satan will attack from all aspects leadership roles. I, for one, propose praying for Julia Pierson in these ways:

  • For her leadership to be above reproach
  • To lead with integrity and honor
  • To protect her from people who will challenge in negative ways
  • For the employees of the agency to respect Pierson’s leadership
  • For her to balance the demands of the job with having a life outside of work
Not So Gentle Reminders to Trust

Not So Gentle Reminders to Trust

Picture this: broken-down car, it’s 31 degrees outside, no heat, no idea what’s wrong, all of the lights on the dashboard on, and just to top it off it’s snowing.  In the world of a single gal I did the only thing possible….I called my dad.

He’s trying to talk a rapidly getting anxious girl into figuring out where a fan belt is under the hood.  I didn’t even know my car had a fan belt.  I’m thumbing through the owner’s manual thinking that it certainly has to tell me options of what’s wrong.  All of a sudden there is that gentle reminder to trust God.

Trust is one of the hardest lessons for me to learn. I’m constantly having to ask for forgiveness because this independent female was bound and determined to do it herself.  Then as soon as I fail God gives me the reminder that  my failure could have been avoided if I had allowed the situation to happen on His timing and in His way.

How many times every day does God have to remind you to trust with a gentle, or not so gentle, reminder?