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Get off that guilt train!

Get off that guilt train!

I am not an addict.  At least, I don’t think I am.

There are some things that bring me pleasure, though, and I’ll admit that I sometimes go to lengths I shouldn’t to enjoy them the way I want to, trading in God’s long-term best for temporary satisfaction.

Sometimes I realize my mistake in the moment, and sometimes I don’t, but I always end up regretting it.

God is faithful, you see, so His Holy Spirit doesn’t let me get by with a thing.  When I step outside of God’s will for me, He pokes my heart.  If I ignore Him, He gives it a squeeze.  If I hold my hands over my ears and sing “la, la, la,” He takes more drastic measures, not to be mean, but kind.

God understands better than I do what the relational static my sin creates will do to my peace of mind sooner or later.  Anticipating the fear and confusion I’ll feel as child of God no longer able to hear my Father clearly, He gives me the opportunity to confess and repent at the get-go, to turn around and get back on track before I wander farther and feel even more alone.

Trouble is, the Enemy is out there, too.  Not poking, but jabbing.  Not squeezing, but crushing.  His weapon? Guilt.

“Well, here we are again!” he jeers.  “What would they think if they saw what you just did, huh?  What if they heard what you just said?  What if they knew what you just thought?  Some leader you are!  You fake.  You weakling.  You selfish loser.  And you thought God could use someone like you!”

At least that’s how it goes in my head.

I must admit, this sad little speech used to trip me up, slow me down, stall me out, but not anymore.  One day, flinching under just such a tongue-lashing, I realized that while the choice I had made was admittedly wrong, as it failed to glorify God, or show people who He was and what He’d done for me in Jesus, the desire behind it wasn’t.

Full disclosure?  I was guilty of gluttony, communicating through my actions that what God intended for me to have wasn’t sufficient and that my body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, wasn’t worth stewarding well, but I didn’t really believe those things.  In that moment, I just wanted to stop wanting.

Upon further reflection, I realized much of the sin in my life—anything that doesn’t match God’s will and character—was driven by similar desires.

I wanted to belong.  I wanted to be happy.  I wanted to be free.

Wanting these things is not wrong, but going outside of God’s will to get them is.

God’s plan is perfect.  It may not bring what we want in the moment, but it always yields what we need in the end.

Someday, those of us who have put our faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection for salvation from the consequences of sin and so been permanently adopted as His children will come fully into our inheritance, the Kingdom of God.  On that day, we will not only see the purpose behind our struggle and what it accomplished, but we will also receive what is ours by re-birthright and be satisfied.

Surrounded by our brothers and sisters in Christ, we will know we belong.  Tears wiped away by the Father, we will be happy.  No longer slaves to sin, we will be free.  Finally made perfect, we will lack for nothing, and the longing that opened us up to temptation here on earth will be a distant memory.

Until then, we wait.  Not passively, but actively.

Holding up this future hope as a shield against present temptation, we keep moving forward toward Christ-likeness by the power of His Holy Spirit, not so people will be impressed with us, but so they will see God for Who He really is—the One who holds His children close, the One Who restores them gently when they wander, the One Who meets their every need—and put their faith in Him, for our collective good and the Father’s well-deserved glory.

Happy Screens-Giving?

Happy Screens-Giving?

They’re everywhere. Small ones. Big ones. They demand our attention every day, including on days like Thanksgiving.

I’m talking about screens, these “glowing rectangles.” Yes, society is in a screens craze. From personal devices to flat screen TVs, there’s almost no way to get away from screens these days.

I do not need to quote studies for us to realize that screen time is taking a bigger bite out of our daily lives than ever. These tech devices have numerous perks, such as entertainment, commerce, means of communications and even physical fitness apps and prompts. Yet the drawbacks are significant, especially when it comes to relationships.

This means Christians must regulate better our attention span, so we are not drawn away from Scripture and prayer. It also means we need to focus better on the people around us, instead of staring at screens all day (You have my approval, by the way, to stop reading this blog on a screen right now and focus on the people around you).

Here are three ideas to help you this Thanksgiving to focus more on people than screens:

  1. Unplug. Thanksgiving is one of those times when a majority of people are off work. This is your chance to cease checking work email, calls and texts. Take one day this year to have your phone away from you.
  2. If looking at screens, do so as a group. From watching the Dallas Cowboys football game to going out to a movie, screens can be enjoyed as a group. If you are going to enjoy some screen time, this Thanksgiving, try doing so as a group instead of a collection of atomized individuals.
  3. Make it a habit. If less screens for you on Thanksgiving goes well, try making a habit of it. Whether one hour a day or one day a week, such as Sunday, make a habit of checking your personal screen device less often. Apple’s iPhone itself has come out with some helpful tools to regulate screen time behavior, as well as numerous other helps out there.

As Thanksgiving comes and go, let’s all give thanks for what God has placed in our lives and what’s most important. And let’s try to balance out screen time with “others time.” In so doing, I think we will be glad we did and give thanks for it, even beyond the holidays.

Music of Peace

Music of Peace

Just recently my father and I spent the day doing some work at my church. He was willing to help on one condition; he wanted to choose the music we listened to while working.

I didn’t mind because the music my dad prefers is very similar to the music I enjoy. Blaring through the loud speaker was his regular playlist of classic oldies from the 1960s. I know the words to almost all of those songs because it was all I heard growing up.

Compared to music today, the lyrics are incredibly positive. Most of them are about the desire for peace and love and for people to come together as one. There was a voice of optimism in the music of that era, which seems strange since we know it was also a time of great civil unrest.

War was everywhere, and everybody had to pick a side. Politics was also an atmosphere of vicious rhetoric. The country was divided but music was a voice of hope.

I told my dad that I wouldn’t be surprised if we would soon experience the 1960s part two. Once again, we are living in a time of great division and civil unrest. Politics has divided the country, and the levels of tension and anger are extremely high. But anger is not a sustainable emotion. Hatred always leads to destruction either of yourself or those around you.

As divided as everything seems, the world is actually getting better. Statistically speaking, there is less war than we have ever seen. Poverty and famine are at the lowest levels in recorded history. Literacy and the rights of woman and children have increased all over the world. People now live longer and healthier lives than ever before. In spite of all the facts, only 6 percent of Americans think the world is actually getting better. But as Christians, we should have an optimistic outlook on the future.

Jesus said that His Kingdom would be like a little bit of yeast the spread throughout the flour. This yeast changed the flour entirely, and the Kingdom of God is changing things. All authority has been given to God, and He is at work. Christianity continues to grow around the world and is by far the largest freely chosen religion in the world.

In the same way that music was a voice of hope during the Vietnam era, may we be the voice of hope and peace during these contentious times. Instead of joining in with the rantings of an angry world, remember what Jesus said in the gospel of John. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

But What Does God Say about Women?

But What Does God Say about Women?

I sat with my sister in our floor seats in the Oklahoma City Civic Center. She was tickled to death to be there, and I was prouder than ever, having supplied our tickets to this live performance. Hello Dolly had been a favorite show of ours for years, thanks to Barbara Streisand’s stunning performance in the 1969 film. Soon the lights dimmed, the conductor tapped his baton, and we were transported to the colorful life of New York City in the early 1900s.

Not long into the musical, Mr. Horace Vandergelder seized the stage with a posse of men. The chorus of their hit number flowed from the orchestra seats back to where we sat, “Yes, it takes a woman, a dainty woman, a sweetheart, a mistress, a wife!” They went on to list a woman’s role in the household, like joyously cleaning out the drain in the sink and dumping the ashes. Even for an early 20th century woman, the song would have been slightly patronizing and demeaning.

It called for a good belly laugh as the song permeated the historic theater’s cheery atmosphere. But a woman like myself had to have left the theater thinking of what has changed for women since that time period. Is there still a mentality of silent women in silent homes, silently completing chores?

I should say not… for better or for worse, who knows? Women now can be assertive, meek, bold, shy, fat, skinny, lazy, or active. In short, we have freedom. We have “the vote”! We have a voice. We have representatives in entertainment, politics, religion, pop culture, the news, sports, the home, education and more! There seems to be no limit for a bright and driven woman these days.

And yet, we do have limits. We have weaknesses as well as strengths. For a Christian woman, our identity is continually under attack. Our attackers vary from leaders in religious organizations to liberal feminists; from ex-boyfriends to college professors. Our assailants come from every direction, ever compelling us to surrender to their ideas of who we are and what our role is.

But what does God say about women?

As He is my Creator, His opinion matters very much to me. His voice should be louder than feminists and fundamentalists combined! But we don’t talk about God’s opinion. We talk about our own, and we talk about others’. This blog is not to share my feelings or express my frustration as a woman, but it is to discuss and provide truth. The only truth comes from God’s Word.

Listed below are three key things that God, through the power of His authors and Holy Spirit, spoke of women and their role in Holy Scripture. We will observe what this means for both men and women:

  1. God lets women lead men. This may quickly become the most argued point in my blog. Recall that we are using Scripture as our plumb line. Judges 4 tells part of the story of an amazing prophetess named Deborah. In this passage Barak surrenders his right as leader, in order to see victory through Deborah.
    • What this means for Men: Barach was not willing to trust God for the victory in his leadership role. Before assuming any authority, Deborah made clear that if she were to go with him, Barach would not receive any praise or personal victory. When men will not lead, God will rise up women to lead in their place. Men, remember that God is not limited to using one gender to bring about His victory. Recognize the abilities of the women around you and do not assume you deserve the right to lead.
    • What this means for Women: Deborah did not pursue the opportunity to lead. She did not kick able-bodied men out of the way to assert herself. Likewise, if the Lord should call a women to lead, we must be willing to humble ourselves and recognize God’s power. Women, follow the men God has placed in authority, but be prepared spiritually should the Lord ever call you to lead as well.
  2. God equally respects and equips women. In John 4, Jesus Christ stops at a well to interact with a woman. He does not patronize her. He does not comment on her looks or abilities. He seeks her soul and reveals her value in Him. He equips her as He did His disciples and as He equips us even now… with Living Water. The amazing thing about the Living Water is that He has not poured more into a man’s cup than into a woman’s cup. Rather, the Living Water is poured into each cup in equal amounts.
    • What this means for Men: Jesus not only stopped to speak plainly and intelligently with a woman, but He also did not even justify that being an unusual thing for the time. The disciples desired to question his actions in talking with the woman (John 4:27), but even they did not question Him. Men, respect and recognize where you are equal with women. They are not intellectually weaker or less spiritually equipped than you.
    • What this means for Women: Do not believe the lie that women are “less than” or that women are “more than.” Do not let a man belittle you, but do not rob a man of the opportunity to exercise his respect for you.
  3. God made women. First Corinthians 11 addresses women’s and men’s role in life very explicitly. Something that often gets misconstrued in this passage is where women come from – man or God? Let’s be clear on this basic truth. Women were created by God out of man. God created man, so there is no room for boasting on the man’s part when it comes to the woman’s being.
    • What this means for Men: You only have the authority that has been given to you by God, the Creator. Do you use your authority over women to assert yourself or to demean them? Or do you see the authority as a gracious gift to exercise for God’s glory? How you answer these questions will reveal much of who you are as a man… let alone a man of God.
    • What this means for Women. You are first and foremost under God’s authority. He directs your paths and plans your steps. If His plan involves a man in authority over you, you must see it as an opportunity to be loved well and to glorify God. Do not see it as a place of slavery or injustice.

There are about a million and one things we could cover based on what Scripture says about the relationship between men and women. These are three that I chose to address as they are of great importance to me.

The value of women in the Church, workplace, home, politics, classroom and so many other places should never be overlooked. The value of men in the Church, workplace, home, politics, classroom, and so many other places should never be overlooked. God is not restricted in His love nor in His ability to use a person with a willing heart, whatever gender. Let us reflect our Blessed Redeemer in this.

A False Sense of Community

A False Sense of Community

The pace of our lives sometimes can seem to just be so intense that nothing we do can alleviate any of the stresses and pressures. The noise in our lives is really difficult to walk away from, and many times, it is self-induced noise!

We are addicted to our devices and our social media.  We have to always be connected on some level. The bad thing about social media is that it gives us a false sense of community.

We think that, by being a part of this type of community, we will find some type of meaning or peace, but what really happens is that we end up worshiping this community. We look for approval, and when it does not come, we feel a major letdown, and depression will follow.

The goal of the Christian life is to place our focus and our eyes on the King (Jesus). And many times, that is easier to say than actually do. Nevertheless, it is something that is needed.  Look at Psalms 23.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” 

When Jesus is our shepherd and our guide, the only thing that really brings satisfaction is Him, and if we are satisfied in Him, the rest of the things in this present world really fall short. Look where He takes us:

“He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

HE RESTORES OUR SOULS! How many of us truly need that to happen? I know I doAnd when our souls are restored and satisfied in HIM, we begin to walk on paths of righteousness. In other words, we begin to follow the right standards. We live this life as it was intended to be lived.

Following Jesus and making him our foundation just makes sense. He brings a peace that lasts. He brings true satisfaction in a world that is longing for something authentic.

A Response to Heretical Preaching

A Response to Heretical Preaching

A couple of days ago I was sent a sermon by a friend and was asked what I thought of it.  It was from a demonization that has had a lot of upheaval in the past decade.  Nevertheless, I watched about 10 minutes of this message.  That’s all I could stomach.

In 10 minutes this “pastor” was able to tell adults in the congregation that children have a better grasp of morality than they do. That the morality of 60 years ago has vastly changed from the morality of today and hurt feelings is a bigger sin than sexual sin. He also eluded to the idea that only certain sections of the Bible is truly inspired, and the rest is just the interpretation of men.

This pastor spent the 10 minutes that I watched, talking about how important polls were.  He gave them more credence than Scripture itself.

And to top this all off, he went through the percentages of their church, and out of 17,000 active members in their church, 742 of them lived in a homosexual lifestyle of some sort.  There was no data for how many were living in heterosexual sin outside the confines of marriage.

I finally had to turn off this broadcast.  My heart was so full of anger and sadness all at the same time that I could not handle it. My whole attitude changed because of this.

This “church” spits in the face of the commands of God.  It made a mockery of the Scriptures, and the thing that hurt the most is that tens of thousands of people are blindly following this church’s teaching with no thought for truth. As a result, they very well could be headed straight to the pit of hell.

Here is why this is happening.

PARENTS:  You are not leading your families well.  More particularly, MEN, you’ve neglected your responsibility so, therefore, you’ve allowed wolves to creep in and take captive your families.  We need our men to move back into the role of spiritual leadership.   Yes I’m talking to you and me both! We’ve got to stop!  Stop focusing on so many other things. Your kids are right in front of you. Here is the best place for me to start!

LEAD THEM!  Be the servant who will give up your life for them.

PRAY WITH THEM! Take time each day to pray over them.  To pray for them! They need it.

TALK MORE. Our mobile phones are going to be the death of us!  I know. I’m guilty. Just ask my kids. They want to talk more, and there will come a time when they won’t want to talk. What’s wrong with me!

GET IN THE WORD MORE!  My tribe needs me to be in God’s Word more! They need to see me in it. I need to lead by example.

BE MORE INVOLVED IN YOUR CHURCH!  What is happening at your church is going to matter in 10,000 years, either way. Good or bad. And if you’re involved, you can help make sure it’s good stuff that is happening at your church!  Be PRESENT!

My prayer is that my heart changes! I need Jesus more than I need anything else! I really need to be focused on things that are eternal.
I am my biggest problem!  You are your biggest problem! We need to stop focusing on me and start focusing on Jesus and what HE WANTS!

God help me!