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I love road trips and I especially love surprise road trips. I consider myself a good driver, with a good sense of direction, but I like to have directions to get me from one place to another, especially if it is new territory. Because of this, I am grateful I have the Maps app on my smartphone so that I am confident I am going the right direction.

The past week, I headed to the city to visit some friends who are in town for a week of camp. The place they were stationed was in an area that I was not familiar with, so I whipped out my Maps. 

I like to know what is coming up, even several steps ahead. However, in this instance I did not have the luxury of getting an overview of my directions, so I used the hands-free, voice instructions. Using this, I listened carefully to the instructions as I was told my next turn, even down to a few feet in front of me. However, with the step by step instructions, I cannot see the bigger picture. I must rely on the GPS to tell me exactly when and where to turn. This is incredibly frustrating for me.

As I drove around trusting my GPS, not really knowing where I was or where I was headed, I realized, this is exactly how God instructs me at times. While some times He reveals the bigger picture to me, most of the time I am provided with the step-by-step instructions without seeing the bigger picture. This is frustrating because I want to know what is coming up, I want to be in charge and in control; however, God knows that if I knew where I was headed, I would attempt to change the specific steps He has given me in order to het there (although, sometimes I do this anyway).

God nudged me this week with the reminder that just as the GPS takes me exactly where I need to be, so He guides me perfectly where I need to be. If I trust my GPS, the step by step instructions make me less anxious for the next turn. In using this tool, I do not have to worry about the up coming directions. Instead, I am focused on accomplishing one thing at a time. Likewise, when God provides one instruction at a time, I find that I am less likely to become anxious. When I find myself facing the unknown, I put my trust in God and not myself, and I devote myself to accomplishing one task at a time.

What instructions has God given you lately?

Have you followed them, or have you made your own way?

Are you trusting Him, or are you worried about what might be next?

 God never changes and He is forever faithful.

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

Proverbs 3:5-7 (HCSB)